Therapists specialising in treating children with various motor issues are known as pediatrics. In recent years, it has become more common for kids to exhibit both generalised motor challenges and sensory-based delays in their developmental skills. Since our brains process sensory data continuously, it is crucial to comprehend how sensory processing affects movement development and how physiotherapy can benefit children who struggle with their gross motor capabilities.

A postural disorder is one of the sensory-based motor disorders where the sensorimotor challenge manifests as weak core strength, decreased endurance, and frequently exhibits poor balance in movement. To know more about this approach, the best pediatrician in San Francisco now.

Sensory disorder symptoms include:

The brain struggles to process information that enters through the senses, which results in the condition. It was formerly known as a sensorimotor disorder but is no longer accepted as a separate clinical diagnosis. A few sufferers of sensory abnormalities are highly perceptive to their surroundings. Familiar sounds can be upsetting or painful. A shirt's soft touch could irritate someone's skin.

Causes of sensory disorders:

Problems with sensory processing have not yet been linked to a specific cause. However, a 2006 study discovered that light and sound sensitivity might have a significant genetic component. Other studies have revealed that children with sensory processing issues show abnormal brain activity when exposed to sunlight. For any further information you want to know in depth, make an appointment with the best pediatrician in San Antonio today.


It can be challenging for many families to receive assistance when their child is ill. It is because visual processing disorder is not currently an acknowledged clinical assessment. Occupational therapists frequently see and recognize adolescents and adults with visual and hearing issues even though there are no broadly acknowledged diagnostic criteria for these conditions. Treatment is based on the specific requirements of the child. However, in general, it entails assisting kids in improving in areas where they are typically weak and helping them in acclimating to things they find intolerable. Sensory integration is the name of the therapy used to treat sensory processing issues. A child is challenged in a fun, play-based way as part of sensory integration to teach them how to react suitably and behave more normally.

Physical therapists who specialise in treating children have a unique ability to overcome these difficulties by determining the child's consciousness disorder and how it affects the child's mobility. Each child then introduces their own individual needs, which are addressed using a platform built from plywood to promote improved balancing actions and motor skills. To improve the child's capacity to balance the necessary motor skills, the PT will create a program in collaboration with the child's family. If you're having trouble finding the right one, give pediatrician San Francisco a call right now.